
Special message

As you all might have realized, dear readers (do I still have any ?), this weblog is updated on quite a random basis.
I have an explanation for that : I live in France, with French people, doing French things, and telling the story of it all seems more relevant in French, for French.

Maybe I am a bit of an ethnocentrist, here. Maybe I am just meek, considering my wicked self unworthy of the interest of the brilliants foreigners who might come across this page.
Or just somewhere in the middle.

Anyway, if I am writing today, it is because I felt like writing about something which is of little concern to my fellow French, and of a little concern for one particular person who at this time cannot read French.

So let's cut the crap and say, or write, what I wanna say from the start :
Happy Birthday, dear Naomi.

Much ado about nothing ? Tell her that !
Disclaimer : I take no responsibility for any damage caused as a consequence of calling my friend Naomi "nothing". I wouldn't do that. I advise you don't. Now, you're a big fella, you know what is right for you. Or so I hope.

1 comment:

Eve Afeline said...

As for that one particular nothing who at this time cannot read French, and to the French would continue to be nothing until she does, and to her, French just seems like a confusing impossible language which she might (might) one day gain the ability to read, and to the gentlemen who gave Naomi her first birthday blessing ahead of all the other nothings.... What much ado about?

Oh, and she meant to say, Thanks XXX.